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Dr Jianglei XU

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Ph.D. in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University (09/2020-06/2023)

B.S. in Cartography and Geographic Information Sciences, Beijing Normal University (09/2017-06/2020)

M.S. in Geographic Information Sciences (09/2013-06/2017)

Research Interests:

  • Earth energy budget, inversion algorithms development

  • high-level satellite products generation

  • spatiotemporal analysis on variations of earth energy budget


Xu, J., Liang, S., He, T., Ma, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, G., and Liang, H.: Variability and trends in land surface longwave radiation fluxes from six satellite and reanalysis products, International Journal of Digital Earth, 16, 2912-2940, 10.1080/17538947.2023.2239795, 2023.

Xu, J., Liang, S., Ma, H., and He, T.: Generating 5 km resolution 1981–2018 daily global land surface longwave radiation products from AVHRR shortwave and longwave observations using densely connected convolutional neural networks, Remote Sensing of Environment, 280, 113223,, 2022.

Xu, J., Liang, S., and Jiang, B.: A global long-term (1981–2019) daily land surface radiation budget product from AVHRR satellite data using a residual convolutional neural network, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 2315-2341, 10.5194/essd-14-2315-2022, 2022.

Xu, J., Jiang, B., Liang, S., Li, X., Wang, Y., Peng, J., Chen, H., Liang, H., and Li, S.: Generating a High-Resolution Time-Series Ocean Surface Net Radiation Product by Downscaling J-OFURO3, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020.

Dr Jianglei XU
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